I used to have this one friend that I really wanted to be closed to so much and I think it did kind of happen the way I wanted it to be except for the fact that most parts of our relationship were long distance ones and there was no way of changing that except if one of us happened to be moving to other person's school which apparently did not happen hence this story is told. Our friendship felt like eternity ago and like any other relationships with no commonality to share anymore, it gradually faded away. And no one had ever made it clear enough how friendship breakup could really hurt and change you especially when it occurred with no fight, no bad blood whatsoever. I used to think about her everyday. Nowadays, she comes to mind every now and then. About a month ago, my mum had asked me to accompany her to a trip with her friends and I reluctantly followed her - reluctant because I am not even good at socialising with people around my age and based on my observ...
I am not a feminist. If I am asked to choose between a male and female to be a leader, given their level of education and integrity to be almost similar, I may have the tendency to choose the male. But, I hate it when simple tasks such as washing the dishes become the immediate responsibility of daughters, female siblings, mothers, wives, daughter in laws or female colleagues. Everyone is capable of doing it but why some people like to label the task to be done by “female only”? I love that this book includes footnotes to make known to readers that gender inequality in Korea is a real thing rather than the author’s own assumption. One of the most interesting findings mentioned in this book: ... a stay-at-home mother with a baby under the age of two has four hours and ten minutes a day to herself, and a mother who sends her baby to daycare has four hours and twenty-five minutes, which makes only a fifteen-minute difference between those two groups. This means mothers can’t rest even wh...