I always miss my old friends who knew me better after years we went through together.
They knew I did not like gossips, so they didn't gossip in front of me. They knew when I would like to change something about myself for my own good and they supported the effort though they didn't join the cause.
I liked that about them; their attentiveness and how they welcomed me into their group even when my idea of fun and my life perspective contrasted with theirs. I liked it when they did not call me names just because I was different.
Yes, that's what I liked about this bunch of people.
However, these few years of harsh adulthood years teach me that people change. We often hope others do not change when we ourselves change. Whether it is inevitable or it happens because we choose for it to take place, we change and others also change.
I always remind myself that if I happen to meet these friends again in the future, there might be some things about these people that I might not adore as much as before because the seven years of living our lives separately will most likely change them. Well, how can you expect people who you can barely see for years to remain exactly the same as you knew them before when even it is possible for ones who you meet everyday to change in front of your eyes?
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