Do I consider myself a writer?
Yes. Truthfully saying, I do. People who know me personally might think I am being cocky after being able to publish my debut book recently. But, frankly speaking, the title as a book writer (well, if some people even consider to call me that) is not that huge for me, maybe because I am not recognized that well by people in the industry as well as the public reader (maybe not just yet). I only consider myself as a real writer when I write in this blog.
There are a few reasons I want to continue blogging after I had left this blog for quite some time.
Some people might have the view that blogging is such a waste of time. Sometimes I can't help but to think the same as well. However, I always remind myself, whenever I have that kind of thoughts, that maybe me writing here will neither gain myself an income to make a living nor make myself known as an established writer/blogger, but if it makes me feel good and that it doesn't harm anyone including myself as well as it makes people value life better, then I'll not stop. I'll keep writing. Even if I only have a single audience to entertain. If God wills, I'll try to write continuously.
There are a few reasons I want to continue blogging after I had left this blog for quite some time.
- I want to ease all the monologues inside my head. I might not be a kind of person who is loud on the outside but my head sometimes do have all sorts of things to talk about that my sleep gets distracted at times because I don't talk about it with others. So, the options are to talk about it aloud with anyone or anything, or to write them down. Considering I rarely share my thoughts verbally and I am not the sort that talks to cats or flower plants, I guess the second option seems more applicable.
- To share my inner thoughts and feelings. I know that most people who blog or write have the same kind of reasoning of why they write. For me, it is more to connect with people who feel that they have no one to talk to; I'm sending the message that I can be a friend. If I share with you my bad days, it is to say that all of us have problems but, of course, with diverse degree of difficulty. However, the fact that we choose to live, the fact that we choose life, somewhat makes us a hero to our own story. If I share with you my happy days, it is to make you realise that dreams do come true, even for someone who is unknown like me. If I share with you some things that are totally random, it is just that I want you to listen to me as a friend.
- I just want to practise my writing. As much as I want to believe that I have the gift to write, this gift can easily get rusty without constant practice.
Some people might have the view that blogging is such a waste of time. Sometimes I can't help but to think the same as well. However, I always remind myself, whenever I have that kind of thoughts, that maybe me writing here will neither gain myself an income to make a living nor make myself known as an established writer/blogger, but if it makes me feel good and that it doesn't harm anyone including myself as well as it makes people value life better, then I'll not stop. I'll keep writing. Even if I only have a single audience to entertain. If God wills, I'll try to write continuously.
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