Do I consider myself a writer? Yes. Truthfully saying, I do. People who know me personally might think I am being cocky after being able to publish my debut book recently. But, frankly speaking, the title as a book writer (well, if some people even consider to call me that) is not that huge for me, maybe because I am not recognized that well by people in the industry as well as the public reader (maybe not just yet). I only consider myself as a real writer when I write in this blog. There are a few reasons I want to continue blogging after I had left this blog for quite some time. I want to ease all the monologues inside my head. I might not be a kind of person who is loud on the outside but my head sometimes do have all sorts of things to talk about that my sleep gets distracted at times because I don't talk about it with others. So, the options are to talk about it aloud with anyone or anything, or to write them down. Considering I rarely share my thoughts verbally a...
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